Our team is decorated with the most prestigous awards in Filming and Gaming

3D Art with focus on users


3D art

Our team of super skilled 3D animators created stunning 3D art in films and games which transformed abstract concepts into dynamic characters and environments. Naturally, our art won prestigious awards; Oscar for best VFX for “Life of Pi” and MTV award for best VFX for “Rock DJ”. We’re not just creating 3D models—we’re making them immortal, enabling users immerse themselves in a worlds that reflect and quite often surpass their expectations.

At Maze-M we build a realistic or newly made 3D environment that speak itself with its stylish 3D object and visual effects through professional animation. We immortalize detailed 3D props, by analyzing each of them while determine the style of the entire project. Our 3D characters can be used in variety of animations, hence interact with the environment, tools, machinery, equipment and act as it is in real life.